
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hold Me Closer, Tiny Dancer....

Fall is just around the corner. I love it.
I must say, writing in the morning has become increasingly more appealing to me, and I've started looking forward to these morning sessions as I sit in front of my open windows with the cool air greeting my face so welcomingly.
It's a very inspiring place, the world outside. Especially this time of year, when change is so heavily on the air. Every breeze seems to grow colder, and every scent grows earthier. The leaves start to change and the sky gets darker. Some people think it depressing, I love it. Fall and Winter are my favorite times of the year. There's just so much room for inspiration in these nine months, so much room to grow and change and experience something new, yet always to the tune of a familiar tradition. It's quite poetic, really.
So. A summary of how my September has been since my last post.
Florida was lovely! I got to spend a lot of quality time with my sister, as we discovered the amazing world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (we watched the entire first season in four days), and we spent a relaxing weekend in Key Largo where I overcame my fear of deep water and snorkeled for the first time! (I really didn't overcome anything, though, because the water we snorkeled in was hardly deep. We were on a very shallow reef. BUT it was five miles off the coast, which I thought was intimidating and scary!)
I got lots of quality time spent with my 22 month old neice, too, and I miss her more every day!
Since then I've signed up for my SATs which I will be taking on October 9th, and, following this blog update I shall start vigorously attacking the study book... I took an extra weekend off work because I got sick the last few days in Florida and tonight I'm going to spend some much needed time with the newlyweds and Rae for movie night. :)
Tomorrow my work weekend starts and I have to say I'm excited to get back to it. I love my job. I'm told that's a blessing. :)
I'm really excited for next week, as next sunday is my dear friend's 16th birthday and I'm traveling up to Seattle to spend four or five days at her house with her for her birthday. I love Seattle and I love her home and it'll be a great way to kick off the fall season.
I'm going to start my bookclub soon, too! And I'm very, very excited for that. I'm co-heading it with my dear friend Natalie, and we decided that our first book shall be Persuasion. I'm excited to get a great group of people together to read and discuss literature. I'm already thinking of an entire list of titles we'll delve into and it's going to be quite a delicious array of books. Speaking of books, I'm almost finished with The Picture of Dorian Grey and I have to say I absolutely love it.
...Nothing seems to be satiating the appetite I have for Anna Karenina, though, and I'm thinking it might be high time to pick out another Tolstoy book to devote my Autumn months to. I've gotten the Russian Literature bug, what can I say?
I'm starting out on another Elton John kick, too. I do this every few months. I spend almost 48 hours straight listening heavily to Elton John and dappling in nostalgia, then everything goes back to normal and I don't listen to him for several weeks. It's funny how things come and go in cycles, isn't it?
"It seems to me you live your life like a candle in the wind, never knowing who to cling to when the rains set in, I would've liked to love you but i was just a kid, the candle burned out long before the legend ever did.."
......That makes me want to watch a Marilyn Monroe movie.
Well, I really should sign off... That SAT studybook is just screaming my name. :)
I'm thinking a nice cup of earl grey and a gingersnap cookie will make this process a lot easier.
Gingersnaps. One more reason to LOVE Fall.
Until next time.....

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