
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Word. Play. WordPlay.

(Found this lying in my notebook. Wrote it quite awhile ago. Love every word of it.)

Sassy conservationalist nerdy girl writer with secret aspirations of a well-traveled history.

Looking for intertidal protection and creative excellence.

Fervently wishing upon stars and sand dollars for a life full not of love, but of romance.  Ready for loneliness, ready for heartbreak, full of passion and clarity, beauty and transcendence.

Stubborn and unmoving, unwilling to be broken, accepting of cracks and chips.

Constantly found with rings on her fingers and a pencil stuck inside a whispy, messy bun- she traverses these lands with fluidity and grace- a rhythmic sway to her undulating hips.  Toes always naked when playing in the sunshine.  Words tattooed beautifully all over her hands and feet.

In love with the ocean-  moved beyond words by the beating of drums, and the perseverance of the human heart, transfixed by the beauty of all free-thinking men, inspired by the gentle sound of butter sizzling in a pan.

Awestruck at the lifespan of caterpillars-  excited by the profundity of the entire insect world.

Spurred onward by the needs of nations, the scent of hydrangea blossoms and the woven rainbows of color and love in friendship bracelets.

Transformed through divinity, chasing after God like the parched man chases after a raincloud, informed through the medium of authorship, riveted by vintage bicycles and Goodwill coffee mug collections.

Shaped, but not controlled, by the social media generation.  Emotional at the sound of banjos and steel strings. Lifted up by discernment, ripped jeans and Italian espresso.

Avid supporter of:
 Banned books,
 Midnight beach walks
 Romantic poetry
 Naps taken lying in the grass
 Pepperoncinis on her pizza
Bearded dragons as pets
 Flags of other nationalities
Cultural melting pots
Kindness to strangers
Counting the licks to the inside of a Tootsie Pop
Movie nights
Head rubs
"Everything" kisses
Monkey bars
Closing your eyes while swinging
Flirty text messages
Giving your heart away to someone new all the time
Wooden picnic tables
Feta cheese
Giggle fests
Childlike innocence
Spontaneous fits of shouting
Throwing things when angry
Cobbled streets
A cold, wet beer.

Romanced by Ocean Eyes, homecooked meals and Beatles songs.

Searching for sexy-cute Surfer boy with an affinity for cheesy movies and a thirst for adventure. Also: must love goldfish, long walks, going out to eat, and live music.

Inclined to live by the beach forever, blessed by God, through God, and incandescently happy just to be alive.

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