
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Mamma T.

Don't you just wish sometimes you could be more like Mother Teresa?

I found this picture online today- a black and white stillframe of her and a nameless young man releasing a dove- both pairs of hands thrust forward into the air.

The look of joy on her face was insurmountable.

I think she must have given the most incredible hugs, no?

Lovers, I want things.  Silly things.  I want possessions.  I want sequins.  I want parties with lights and streamers.  I want denim shorts with lace detail.  I want a tiny, snuffly Pug puppy to love me and lick my toes.  I want a small blonde child wearing a hipster beanie and a miniature-sized Ramones t-shirt with baby combat boots. I want a black Dolce and Gabanna lace dress. I want a wood deck overlooking a deep, wooded forest- on which are perched two mismatched, well-loved mugs full of hot coffee, one for me and one for my lover.

I want to marry a surfer guy.  I want an original brick accent wall in my kitchen. I want an aqua-colored trucker hat that says Be Happy! on the front. I want Greece, I want Finland, I want prosciutto wrapped truffle fries.  I want fried plantains.

I want henna tattoos and bridesmaids and overalls and a hot air balloon ride.

I want a flatter stomach and I want a kiss from a friendly elephant.  I want an entire plaster exterior wall painted in a chipped, cracking, fading, beautiful shade of Spanish yellow.

I want so many rings for my small fingers.

I want a fire on the beach.  I want more red solo cups in my life. I want citronella candles and new guitar strings and I want to sleep until I feel better.  I want everything on my Pinterest to be real.

Do you think Mother Teresa ever wanted any of those things?

Do you think Mother Teresa ever wasted any time wanting what she did not have?

Sometimes thinking about Mamma T. makes me distraught.

I am selfish, Mamma T.

I am little and scared.

Lord, have mercy on my greed and insatiable desire for everything, and nothing.

Help me to be beautiful, like Mamma T.

"There are people who can afford the luxury to live in great comfort; it is possible that they have earned the privilege by their efforts.  What irritates me is to see that extravagance exists.  It irritates me to see some people waste and throw away things that we could use.

What is a Christian? Someone asked a Hindu man. He responded, the Christian is someone who gives.

Open your hearts to the love God instills in them.  God loves you tenderly.  What He gives you is not to be kept under lock and key, but to be shared.  The more you save, the less you will be able to give.  The less you have, the more you will know how to share."

-Mother Teresa.

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