
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Look No Further

I've found in my life that there are some things which never cease to make me happy.

I don't think there's anything that can make me feel quite the same as when I'm sitting with my laptop on my lap, a cup of hot tea in my hand, facing a large set of windows that look out on a grey, rainy day with soft and mellow music in the background.

Its at times like these, when I think that I am far too content with being alone.
I have no qualms about being by myself, especially in moments like these. I can hear myself think when I'm alone. I can spend time thinking about life and all of its intricacies.

There are a few things, however, which would complete the picture and take my momentary happiness to a level of quiet euphoria that I can't even comprehend.
A good book, in addition to this already beautiful setting, would be most pleasing.
A delicious slice of New York Cheesecake with strawberries and whipped cream for undivided indulgence could potentially send me over the edge; a large, shaggy, happy, golden retreiver asleep at my feet for some companionship, and the sounds of life which accompany those rare, hidden spots of commerce that only appear when you're not looking for them: hole-in-the-wall bookshops, lined with shelves of dusty novels and treasures of the like, quaint and lifelike coffee houses that roast their own beans, and small, boutique cafes with well-travelled and ancient customers, holding thousands of incredible stories waiting to be told.


I have a new favorite song.
The lyrics are what I love the most about it.

I might have been a singer
who sailed around the world
A gambler who made millions
and spent it all on girls

I might have been a poet
who walked upon the moon
A scientist who would tell the world
I discovered something new

I might have loved a King
and been the one to end a war
a criminal who drinks champagne
and never could be caught

But among your books
among your clothes
among the noise and fuss
I've let it go

I can't stop and catch my breath
and look no further for happiness
and I will not turn again
'cause my heart has found its home

Everyone I'll never meet
and the friends I won't now make
The adventures that they could have been
and the risks I'll never take

But among your books
among your clothes
among your noise and fuss
I've let it go

I can't stop and catch my breath
and look no further for happiness
and I will not turn again
'cause my heart has found its home

Look No Further- Dido

I love the lyrics.
It's a quiet sort of reminder to find contentment.

I overcame my writer's block, finally.
I was able to write for almost three hours yesterday.... I'm really excited about this story.
I can't wait to see where it takes me. :)

Well, its time for me to log off.
I've been on this computer for a few hours now, and its time to make another cup of tea, get out the stack of books I'm reading, and have a little party.
Before I go, I'll post the list of the books I'm reading through right now, just in case you're interested. ^.^

Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
My Life in France by Julia Child
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
The Tell Tale Heart and Other Works by Edgar Allen Poe
Macbeth by, well, you know, Shakespeare
and not to mention my Bible.

Whew, that's quite a stack..... I'm quite proud of my little stack of literature.
It's like every new book I read, I'm raking in more literary knowledge...it's a sort of high.
I feel like I'm a pathological gambler, only I'm reading instead of playing cards.

Anyways, another lengthy, rambly blog update for you. Enjoy. :)

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