
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Delaying the Nightmares

"Every breath you take, every move you make, every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you."
I love that song.
But I'm just now realizing how creepy it is. I mean, honestly. "How my poor heart aches with every step you take." It's a little obsessive.
I'm sitting on my couch, facebooking and twittering distractedly while It's Entertainment (the newest Celtic Thunder dvd) is playing on my tv in the background. Yes, background. I've watched it enough for it to now be classified as "background noise". Mostly it's on because I just finished watching Paranormal Activity and am slightly too terrified to go to bed and read.... So, I decided to blog and enjoy some cheesy viewing/easy listening.
One of them is really cute though, I must say. I can't decide if he's the real reason why I'm watching this again or not..... It's hard to tell. He's blonde and has the voice of a folk-singing angel. Not to mention he's Irish. Can you spell "b-o-n-u-s" ?
.....But, I digress.
I've started working on my book again. I am now at least one hundred words into chapter two. And the inspiration for future chapters is flowing like you would not believe. I'm really, really excited about it! There's something so exciting about new inspiration on an old writing project. Mostly I'm just thrilled that it's sticking with me and I'm not getting bored with it like I've done so many times in the past. I think I'm actually writing the kind of stuff I like reading, so it's peaking my interest. Yay! :)
I've also picked up Anna Karenina again lately and am remembering just how much I love Tolstoy's writing. I had to renew it from the library, for the second time, because it's such a huge book and I've been so busy, but I'm still loving it. It's a complete culture shock, because the entire book is so incredibly Russian, but that's kind of why I love it. I mean, it has like, eight pages of footnotes. Those do get a little bit frustrating, though. But still... it's kind of like traveling to a new country without having to actually go anywhere. Which, normally, I would say is depressing because the going somewhere is the funnest part of traveling, but I possess no actual desire to ever go to Russia. Ever. So, for me, I'm getting the experience without having to go. Which is exactly the way I like it. Not to mention the character development in Anna K. is just phenomenally inspiring. I think all this reading I'm doing is really beneficial for my writing. It has me noticing and remembering things so much better.
Speaking of inspiration.... the inspiration fairies have been gifting me greatly the past couple of weeks. I squeezed out another new song on the guitar three days ago. It's one of those feel-good songs that you listen to when you're having a cruddy day. About life and how you'd like it to be, and who you'd love to live it with.
It's called "Nothing's Worth More than this Day".... yup. That's a Goethe quote. Sue me. :)

here are the lyrics:

I'd like to lie in the road/
and watch the lights turnin'/
I'd like to lie next to you
and listen to you breathin'/
I'd like to come back to
this place, see your arms open/
I'd like to know you're the
reason for my copin'/

nothing's worth more than this day/
skies may turn cloudy and grey/
but nothing's worth more than this day/

I'd like to know there's no
fear of growing older/
I'd like to know I can cry
my eyes out on your shoulder/
I'd like to know I can't
feel lonely all the time/
so give me your hand
and I'll put it in mine/

Nothing's worth more than this day/
skies may turn cloudy and grey/
but nothing's worth more than this day/

if you don't love me, don't let me know/
if you don't love me, don't let me know/
if you don't love me, don't let me know/
if you don't love me, don't let me know/

I'd like to know there's a
reason to keep the faith/
I'd like to know the world
is still full of space/
I'd like to know I'm the reason
for your smile/
I'd like to know that this
life is still worthwhile/

nothing's worth more than this day/
skies may turn cloudy and grey/
but nothing's worth more than this day/

the guitar sounds pretty awesome for it, too.

I would just like to take the time to point out that men in kilts will always be more attractive than men who are not in kilts.
It's not really fair that men look so amazing in skirts. Maybe it's just me.
But honestly. Dress kilts? Fan-freakin-tastic.

Okay.... Girlish moment of weakness over.
Well, the video is rolling the end credits, so I think I'm gonna cut this blog post short.

Until next time, my loves!

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