
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

La Vie en Rose

Give your heart and soul to me, and life will always be la vie en rose.

I think this is one of my most favorite timepiece songs.

I love it in English, I love it in French, I love it when Audrey Hepburn sings it in Sabrina and I love the romantic "viewing life through rose colored glasses" metaphor.

It's the song I want to dance to at my wedding.... Or, I guess I should say, "A" song I want to dance to at my wedding. There's quite a few I'd like to dance to. :)

I've been thinking a lot lately about Heaven, I'm not really sure why.

My mom used to say that Heaven is made up of the things that you love the most, and that everybody's Heaven is different. That's why it's Heaven. Everyone there gets to do what they love and be with who they love for the rest of eternity.

She used to say that my grandma is up in Heaven, arranging flowers and baking bread, and not just any old flowers, or any old bread, but ethereal flowers, more beautiful than anything on this earth, and heavenly bread, the kind that Angels eat. I think she is too, but I also think she's down here, with the rest of my family, watching over us. I think she's one of those people lucky enough to become a guardian Angel. I feel her around me a lot. It's comforting.

Sometimes I wonder what my Heaven will be like.

I think it will smell like coconut lotion (Bath and Body Works brand only, of course) and it's somewhere where I'll have an ongoing inspiration of things to write about for all of eternity.... Maybe I'll get to help name new babies, or something. I like naming things. :) And there will be a universally-sized library... And I will have all the endless expanse of time to read every single book.

.......I can't wait to die. ;)

The funny thing, though, is that I am dying. Every day, I'm dying a little bit more.

It's kind of a morbid thought at first, but I don't know, I kind of like it. I'm not really afraid to die. I'm terrified of getting old, and having my intestines fall out of my butt, but I'm not afraid to die. Call me crazy. Everybody else does.

By the way, the intestinal thing? Yeah. I have a friend who is a CNA, and she works with the elderly. She tells me the scariest stories! It's no wonder I'm terrified of growing old. I never want to let that happen to me.

This is taking an unfortunate turn. Let's move on.

I've recently decided that I am going to need a farmhouse someday for several reasons.

1. I want a barn, in which to throw wonderful barn parties and that smells like hay and cows.

2. I would like my own garden, so I can grow my own corn and radishes.

3. I am going to collect pets when I'm older, and I need a place to put them all.

4. I want to be that quintessential hippie woman who tramps around her yard in a messy braid and wellingtons with a half-broken down house and a small pygmy goat which follows her around everywhere.

My pet list so far includes a yellow lab and a golden retreiver, one bearded dragon, two or three goats, a guinea hog, and maybe some Dexter cows, because they're adorable and small. Maybe two bearded dragons.... and possibly a hydrosaurus. But... they're sort of large and scare people away easily.

I like animals.

I've even discovered over the past week that I like insects. This summer, I'm working at the insect house in the Oregon Zoo. I really enjoy it, too! So far, I can only handle the Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches.... But I'm working on getting my training to handle some other bugs, too.

See? They're really pretty cute.
This one is male, because of the horns on his head.
They're very clean, too. This species is not considered a household pest.
OH. I would also like an epic aquarium with marine life. Like seastars, and sea anenomes, and urchins and a sea cucumber... and fish, of course.
My computer is going to die very soon, so I'm going to turn in. I can barely keep my eyes open as I'm writing this. I'm really excited to sleep in tomorrow! Haven't had the pleasure of sleeping well in a few nights.
I hope my insomnia doesn't come back.
Goodnight, readers.
See you all in dreamland!

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