
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Thursday, November 22, 2012



It is Thanksgiving.  Officially.  As of...... 51 minutes ago.

I just got home from working the closing shift at Starbucks, and even though we shut down the lobby and drive-through early, we still didn't get out of there until ten after midnight.

Something about Black Friday prep and the next 72 hours being absolute madness at our store.

Anyways, I'm sure you all know what's coming, so I'm not going to waste any more words on an  explanation.

I am thankful for:

  • The fact that this year has been the best year of my life to date.
  • Coastal wind storms.
  • Rainy afternoons spent tucked up on a couch, reading my Bible, hearing people that I love laugh.
  • Ecola Bible College
  • All of the amazing, unique, inspiring, funny, beautiful people I met this year and all the many ways they impacted me.
  • The overwhelming moments when my Savior brought me to my knees before Him in supplication, mercy and love this year, and for the beautiful and wholesome location for those moments to take place in.
  • The way the Prom smells at midnight in the middle of Summer.
  • Sam's Seaside Cafe and all of the countless dollars and hours spent there, in moments of weakness, exhaustion, togetherness, happiness, laughter, comfort, peace, eating homecooked food for unbeatable prices, listening to the greatest collection of 80s superhits nonstop, and surrounded by colorful walls and twinkle lights. 
  • The way the ocean changes colors.
  • My second mother, Vange Alderrman, whom I met early this year.  She became the best manager I've ever had, a dear friend, and someone who took extremely wonderful care of me every day this Summer- she nourished my dreams more than anyone else ever has in my life.  She used to tell me everyday that all she wanted was to see me get there someday- to Ireland, to culinary school.  Every single day she would tell me that. I miss her.
  • The beautiful and rare collection of older ladies I worked alongside at Sesame and Lilies.  Not a day goes by when I don't think of something wonderful that they taught me about life, about housekeeping, about being fabulous.
  • The glorious, challenging, sometimes exhausting gift that is working outside in the elements for a natural preservation program, and the way HRAP sharpened and nurtured my mind and thirst to learn new, fantastical things about our world.
  • The way my loves smile at me after I have fed them.
  • The fact that my boys used to bring food over to my house just so I could cook it for them. 
  • The fact that everytime I bake cookies I am reminded of my Brooklyn, and how we would bake cookies together and watch Disney Movies, and how many wonderful times we went grocery shopping together. 
  • The fact that my friend Zachary Matthew Ricks is the grandfather I've never actually had. 
  • Nights spent sitting on the kitchen floor, drinking tea and talking about puffins and boys with my beautiful roommates, Nikki and Lynn. 
  • Fridges that you can write messages on.
  • How candles light the darkness.
  • The gift of being taught by my favorite people how to do exciting and crazy new things like longboarding.
  • Adventure Levels
  • No-Maintenance-Mondays
  • Falling in love.
  • The 3 mile drive to Indian Beach, and the greatest selection of music that always played while rolling into the parking lot, surrounded by many beautiful, tan surfers who drove fantastic VW Buses and for the cheap thrill that that can bring to you when you're having a crappy day.
  • Remnant bible study, and how it grew me and forced me into relationship with my most favorite people, and how it made me trust them- and depend on them. God is good.
  • People in my life who love me enough to stay up until very late at night playing trivia with me. I'm always going to need those people.
  • The way John Mayer sounds to my heart.
  • My Wesley, my farmboy, and how he loves me so.  
  • Roman Candle Fights on the Fourth of July with the happiest bunch of crazy people I know. Favorite memory.
  • The way your feet ache after a long day, because it means you have worked hard.
  • Burns and scrapes because they mean that you are getting your battle scars.
  • My one and only Becca, because she always is there to laugh with me, to listen to me, and to remind me ever-so-sweetly that love is, indeed, patient.  And it is, indeed, kind.  And that no matter how rude the customers are to me: I can't send her mini-rants via text message describing in minute, expletive detail just where those nasty customers can stick their arrogance, because it's not right. God knew what He was doing when He gave her to me.  I couldn't live my life without her.
  • Forgiveness of sins and wrongdoings
  • The Cross
  • My mother and the way she will continue to hold me until the very, very end.
  • My father, and his emotional strength after many years of sitting solidly through..... silt and smudges and ungratefulness.
  • My sisters and the woman they challenge and prepare me to be.
  • My nieces, Lily and Allie, their difference in  size, age and personalities. Their existence blesses me daily. 
  • My nephew, Aiden, and his inescapable smile.
  • My soul family- my Raelyn, my Natalie, my Benjamin and my wee baby Keller.  The way they push me.  The way they accept my every flaw willingly and humbly. 
  • My Lexis, and my Zoe- without them I would be lost, for they are my compass. 
  • Funny, sweet coworkers who I can laugh with and who I can dance with, in the drive through window, and who will hug me and tell me everything is going to be okay when people get especially mean and the job gets especially exhausting. 
  • For my Mi Famiglia family.  For Patty, and Lisa and for my Travis. All of whom I need.
  • Tips, and how they pay for gas money.
  • The ability to breathe.
  • Excellent health which I do not  deserve- and a lifetime full of sweet, incredible, magical, priceless memories.  
I am an extremely blessed person.

There is so much more to be thankful for.  

Let us all rejoice and with gladness in our hearts give thanks for this day, which the Lord has made, for each and every one of us.

Blessings to all of you on this holiday.

I pray you stay safe and warm and happy and that you are loved by your earthly family as much as you are loved by your Heavenly family.

XoXo lovers,


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