
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Unearthly Diamonds

I had an experience last night.

First, I should start off by saying that I went and saw The Social Network with The Family, and it exceeded all my rather low expectations by miles and miles. So many amazing films have been released this year! In my opinion, this one ranks right up there with the likes of Inception and Avatar. It was such a fantastic screenplay, and the script was incredible. I laughed a lot. Coming home after the movie, I decided to try and find Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook... but you can't actually add him as a friend. You can message him, or become a fan... but not a friend. That was sad. ;)

However, I didn't come up and sit at my morning desk to blog about Mark Zuckerberg. I came up to blog about the amazing experience I had after the movie. On the way home, I was with two very close friends. Sitting in the passenger seat, it was my duty to control the music. We listened to Are You Still Mad by Alanis Morissette because, lately, I have been obsessing over her album "Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie". (Seriously. The entire album reduces me to raw inspiration. I. LOVE. IT.)
Anyways, as the words washed over my ears, I rolled down the window and looked out at the stars. Then it hit me.
As soon as I got home, I raced inside and changed into my pajamas, socks, oversized sweatshirt and grabbed an extra blanket or two for warmth. Then I grabbed my laptop, iPod and notebook and entered the frosty world outside. I curled up into a chair on the back patio, with a blanket and my laptop in my lap, earbuds plugged firmly into my ears and that Alanis Morissette album on repeat. It was time to write.
It was so cold outside, the temperature had drawn frosted patterns over the glass-top patio table. I could see my breath in front of me. The stars shone like unearthly diamonds in the navy sky and my fingers were tingling with unbridled excitement. It was like something had awoken deep inside of me, the frigid night air sharpened my senses and focused my mind...... The words started flowing and everything just melted away. Time seemed to stop, the minutes ceased ticking. Everything was beautiful. Nothing in that moment could be touched by pain or sorrow, or frustration. Inspiration in it's purest form came pouring forth from the stars above, and as I paused to look above me at their elusive, glittering patterns, I thought for only a moment how envious I was of the cosmos.
To shine so brightly that you light the darkened world every night, to watch as cities come to life and quiet suburbs go to meet their rest, to be the cause for so much celebration, inspiration, happiness, love and peacefulness, to be of the universe, yet so far removed from the world that its inhabitants can only dream of reaching you........
I've always been amazed at the starry sky. It's vast reaches have always boggled my mind.
A blue sky is always welcomed, and a grey sky is more comforting than any other, but a starry sky is unrivalled in it's simple beauty. And on a late night in mid-October, the world seems to come alive under its never-ending span of perfection.
I wrote and wrote and wrote.
And this time, I didn't feel dangerous- I felt deliriously overcome with contentedness, as if in that moment there was absolutely nowhere else in the entire world I would rather be, than wrapped in the arms of a cold, starry night.
The experience was so altering, I had to share.

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