
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I wrote this on the back of a kids menu at work tonight

I am in love with an IDEA!!!
The same way Meg Ryan was in love with boquets of freshly sharpened pencils in You've Got Mail.
It weakens my knees and sends those elusive butterflies all aflutter in my tummy. It causes me to sigh with longing, and waves of nerves and excitement crash over my body, directed by its glorious possibilities.
I want to taste it NOW! It is cause for remembrance of cherished memories and the anticipation of memories to be made, also. I haven't felt this inspired, this genuinely excited about a project in a long time.
I'm vibrating with adrenaline.
I'm ready to swallow it whole and experience its beautiful and terrifying flavor filling every space, cavity, nerve ending and secret place inside of me. I'm so ready to become what it needs me to become.
I'm ready to become someone else again.
To take on someone else's most intense emotions, to watch them resonate and bounce off an audience, transferring their energy back to me so I can recharge it and throw it right back at them in floods of impressive, premeditated force.
*insert toe-curling groan* Ooooh, to act again.
I've been itching to act again. I've been waiting patiently for a new opportunity to arise, and finally my stagnation has paid off. Good things come to those who wait. This longing will be fulfilled, this hunger will be fed, and the roaring beast quieted.... Or really, unleashed?
I don't know, and at this point I don't even care. All I can wrap my head around is that I'll be acting again soon.
I am so in love with this idea.
Chocolate, roses, sweet sticky kisses.
So, so, so in love.
I'm ready.

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