
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

It Is What It Is


It's been over a week since my last post, and I've missed you.  I've noticed by looking over my archives that my updates lately have been rather droll, rather deathly and less poignant than I'd like them to be.

I'm not that dark of a person, I do swear.

And so, this post promises to be more lighthearted, as my mood today reflects wonderment. That's actually what I prayed for this morning, for God to make my face and my heart reflect His mercy and peace and love.

We'll see how it goes.  I have a willing mind, but my heart and sinful nature are stubborn, unrelenting.  Determined to be unmoved and sinister.  Still, they're fighting a loosing battle when it comes to God, aren't they?

Life is moving on lately at a whirlwind sort of pace.  The days are flying by until my departure for the coast; less than two months remain. I've been getting all sorts of updates from Ecola in the mail, reminding me to fill out background check forms, and to buy a new Study Bible, to remember candles are not allowed in the dorm rooms (NO CANDLES? WHAT?!?!) to advise me to bring flashlights for power outages, to accept a flashy Ecola t-shirt, their gift to me free of charge.

It's all very surreal to me, logically sound and acceptable, but otherwise totally and completely outlandish and foreign.  I like it.

Unfortunately, I have a lot more time on my hands than normal right now as my hours were cut at work a few weeks ago, due to extreme and damaging construction on all 4 sides of the restaurant. North, South, East and West.  Customers just aren't fighting the gloom and doom warning signs to come for a bite of pizza and lovely hour of conversation.  I used to work Wed-Sat and now I'm only scheduled for Fridays and Saturdays. This week I'm only working Friday, because I had to take Saturday off for a wedding.

I never thought I would miss it this much, but I guess it's really more fortunate than un, because now I have the time to get my life together before leaving, comprende?

For instance, my mom and I made a list the other day.

Hannah's To-Do Before Ecola:
  • Get eyes checked
  • Get teeth cleaned (You know, because things like these are vitally important in my family.)
  • Organize closet and set aside clothes
  • Trip to IKEA for dorm junk like sheets and an alarm clock
  • Apply to the conference center
  • Apply to PSU
  • Switch banks, and get a real debit card
  • Replace battery in my laptop.  (Sigh.) 
  • Reread driver's manual 
  • Get License
  • Get Car  (which I had, until the Turkish gentleman we had bought it from kindly decided he wanted it back to sell to his wife's coworker who, apparently, threw a hissyfit upon learning they had sold the car to somebody else.  I refrain from using the choice words here that I used the other day to vent my frustration.) 
  • Finish Gospel Reconciliation (Which is a book that I promised my dad I would finish before I left for Ecola, that I am now sincerely regretting because time is tick-tick-ticking away and I've barely even scratched the surface, and it's not a very thrilling on-the-edge-of-your-seat sort of read.  Everytime I crack it open, I end up napping.) 
  • Maintain friendships in this time of extreme "Do-Or-DIE" 
  • Oh, and also go to Florida for a week to watch my sister give birth, be the first one to see the baby, celebrate four family birthdays and sing lots of Christmas Carols and tra-la-la-the-Holiday-Roast! (This I am looking forward to the most.) 
  • Schedule time for Becca to come down over Christmas break.  (Yes, Becca, that is literally on our list.) 

Have I stressed you out yet?

Oh, well.  The only thing I can really say about the whole thing is "It is what it is."  Which has become my new philosophy over the past month.  

My parents and I spent three and a half hours last night watching all of Godfather, part II and I got some good wisdom from that, so I don't feel as stressed today as I did yesterday.  Easily calmed, much?

That's all for now, lovers. I simply must get on with my day.

I hope this finds you all well!

Wishing you all the clarity, love, peace and chocolate chips this earth can allow,


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