
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

30 Things

1. I would rather sleep in guys' boxers than any sort of girls' pajamas.
2. I have an unhealthy addiction to collecting guitars.
3. Sometimes, when I'm all alone, I sing myself to sleep.
4. When I go to Thai restaurants, I never order anything besides Pad Thai.  I hate that about myself.
5. I am quite drawn to funny and awkward fridge quotation magnets.
6. I wish I knew more about Andy Warhol.
7. I am viably afraid of heights.
8. I only like to get dressed up if it means I get to go dancing. <3
9. Sometimes I want nothing more than to be embraced and held for a very, very, very long time.
10. I have the biggest, strangest, most glamorous sort of girl crush on Cher.
11. I name everything.  From my laptop, to my guitars, to my favorite pair of jeans to the imaginary poltergeist that lives in our house.
12. Yes, I did invent an imaginary poltergeist to live in my house.
13. Listening to Norah Jones makes me feel like a lady.
14. I love it when you call me by my nickname.
15. I am utterly convinced that candles, salty air, pancakes, writing and John Cusack each possess the ability to cure heartaches and heal insufferable wounds.
16. I am the biggest sort of grump when I'm working on my novel manuscript.
17. I believe that walking is the only way to successfully work through writers' block.
18. Sometimes I wish I could hole up in a cabin somewhere in the North Carolina mountains and not come out until I have truly finished something I'm writing.
19. I think compassion is one of the most important character qualities a person can ever possess.
20. Whenever I meet someone new, I automatically go through a mental list of whether or not this person is potentially ever going to become my stalker.
21. I don't really trust people.
22. I believe in mermaids, and fairies, and gremlins, and trolls and leprechauns and guardian angels.
23. I don't like to discuss cancer, because it reminds me of when my mom had it, and I'm afraid of those memories.
24. I respond well to unusually great conversationalists.
25. I'm extremely claustrophobic.
26. There is nothing more attractive to me than an avid reader.  Also, surfing helps.
27. I'm pretty sure that after living at the beach for awhile, I'll never be able to move far away from any ocean, ever again.
28. I would rather loose my sense of sight than any of the remaining four senses.
29. I am a total Disney whore.
30. When you make me laugh, I feel like my world, and my joy, expands twofold.

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