
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Stronger Than Yesterday

Sometimes I wonder how many other people listened to S Club 7 when they were younger. Hope For The Future is one of the best songs on their album. I miss listening to S Club.
My cousins and I used to put the album on repeat and make up dance routines and lip sync the words, pretending we were singing into those ball-shaped Britney Spears microphones.
Being a kid and pretending to be just like Britney Spears is without a doubt, one of the funnest things you can do at that age.
My cousins and I used to clean the kitchen singing Dear Diary, and my friend Amber and I used to have dress up fashion shows and listen to Hit Me Baby One More Time. Those were the days!

Speaking of Miss Britney, I actually fulfilled a lifelong dream and saw her in concert on Tuesday. Yes, I won't deny, I've been a fan of Britney ever since I was a little girl. Her music defined my generation. And even though people say she was only living her 15 minutes of fame, the fact that she's 29 years old and still topping the charts after 15 years tells me her 15 minutes ended a long time ago.
She's an icon. And her concert was absolute proof that she is one of the most hard-working celebs in the business.
She's really an amazing person to have gone through all that she's had to endure, a complete mental breakdown, several failed marriages, loosing custody of her kids, and not letting those things ruin her. They just made her work harder, and here she is, 29 years old, in the best shape of her life, back on top and blowing people away with her dedication.

She might be unorthodox, and you can say what you will about her personal hygiene or lack thereof, and sometimes she's made awful mistakes, but who hasn't?
She's turned it all around, and the greatest thing is she's not afraid to make fun of herself, which proves that she's in a good place.

Honestly, the experience of her concert has made me feel that nobody can legitimately make fun of Britney Spears anymore because she is too incredible and absolutely undeserving of that kind of judgement. I've been to a handful of amazing concerts, and I have seen a lot of highly talented and impressive performers, but none of them have even come close to the level of Britney's performance.
It was the best live show I've ever seen, and I don't see anybody topping that in the near future.

It's really made me think a lot in the past few days about celebrities and the scrutiny they live under every single day, and honestly, we're all awful people for making fun of them, or judging them, or throwing stones when really we should be throwing flowers of encouragement and understanding.
Do you think we could survive under constant watch and monitoring like that?
Who's to say you or I wouldn't screw up just as bad?
It's not fair to them. We don't know them, their lives, we don't know what they're capable of.

Brit's been to hell and back, figuratively speaking, and she's persevered and she's proven herself to be real. Courageous, strong, unwilling to break.
Isn't that what we all want for ourselves?

Not to mention, she's cleaned up her life so much, that her and KFed are looking to reconcile their family legally by agreeing to a 50/50 custody. And apparently, the judge isn't adamant that it's a bad idea.

So here's mad props to Britney, for making the comeback of the century.
Even I wasn't expecting her to recover from shaving her head, dating a psychopath, loosing her kids, and everything else she lost.

But life is what you make of it, and she's made her life whole again.

You go, girl.

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