
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Monday, August 22, 2011



In moments of frustration and pain, disappointment and sorrow, please remember what you are on the inside. A beaming, shattering, blazing force of light. And don't forget to take solace in chocolate chip pancakes.

In moments of despair, please remember all that you have overcome. Your journey has made you brave. Remember your courage.

In moments of loneliness, please remember where your loved ones are. They reside deeply within your heart, and remember that loneliness only lasts for a few fleeting moments.

In moments of homesickness, please remember a phonecall is never too impossible to make. Homesickness is a blessing; it reveals what truly matters to you.

In moments of exhaustion, please remember to take catnaps.

In moments of heartbreak, please remember you can never actually break. You only crack, and there's always room to love again. Always.

In moments of feeling lost, please remember where your faith comes from. He will never leave you or forsake you.

In moments of sickness, please remember to stay well hydrated. Also, take more catnaps.

In moments of excitement, please remember to give thanks, and don't forget to tell someone around you why you're excited. Sharing is caring.

In moments of laughter, please remember there is no limit to how you can touch someone else by making them laugh with you. You have a beautiful laugh. Let it ring.

In moments of joy, happiness, contentment and pride, please remember that every moment of it is a blessing, a gift, and given to you entirely by grace. Send honor and hugs to those who have enriched your life, and always remember to kiss the ones dearest to your heart on the forehead.

Please remember to tell them you love them.

In moments of difficulty, and adversity, please remember to practice serenity and equanimity, tranquility and transience. Please remember to respect me and my Yoga quotes.

Please remember to blow the candles out after the rest of us have fallen asleep.

Please remember that underwear is to be worn underneath clothes, not on your head.

Please try to remember the lyrics.

Please remember to never forget.

Please remember to remain steadfast, and always remain true.

Please remember your promises.

Please remember to watch your Abercrombie and Fitch spending budget.

Please remember to always take chances.

Please remember the incredible power of a good Journey song.

Above all, dear one, please remember to keep in touch, to keep the faith, to keep on truckin' no matter what life throws at you.

Its time to say goodbye for now.. NOT forever.

Not because there is no longer love, not because we failed, not because we lost connection, but because we need to live our lives to their fullest, chase the moments hidden away in each day, and become the best we can be.

See you along the way and always know love is sent to you on angel's wings.

Don't stop believin'.


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