
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hometown Pride

I know this is going to sound redundant.

I don't really care.

Lovers,  I live at the beach.

I have lived at the beach now for one month and fourteen days.

Has it sunk in yet?  Not at all.

You know why?

Because the ocean changes every single day, and every single day I am absolutely positive it is more beautiful than it was the day before.

I don't ever want to leave.

Spring Break is coming up in a few short days, and I'll be back home in Portland for 18 days.  I was so excited at first to get back home and have routine coffee dates at Singer Hill with my soul sisters, visit Powell's and fall in love with another new book, work some more hours with people that I LOVE at Mi Famiglia and eat my good fill of that beautiful Spinach Chicken pizza that they make so well.  I was excited to get back to my church, Imago Dei.  I was excited to eat P-Town food because it's authentic, and gourmet, and sustainable, and organic and sexy and delicious and like foreign food-cart-porn-for-your-stomach.

I was excited to sleep in my own bed, and to get my fingers on those faded typewriter keys.  I was excited to wake up and make myself smoothies in my Vitamix.  I was excited to play many rounds of Scrabble with my dad.  Excited to run pointless errands and laugh with my mom.

I still am excited, trust me.

But I already miss the Ocean and I haven't even left yet.

I've begun this fiery inner prayer campaign to God to let me stay here over the summer.  I can't imagine leaving here for the three most beautiful months of the year just to go back to a summer of seating people at tables every weekend, wishing nonstop that I was back here in Cannon Beach.  This is my home.

This is my hometown, now.  I think from this moment on it always will be.

2012 will always be the year that I spent with God.  I know that already and it's only February 25th.  2012 will also always be the year that I found the one place that truly feels mine.  I own it.  It belongs to me.  I live here.  I breathe here.  I am restored here.  I don't want to leave here.

Not just yet, anyway.

I know I'm not meant to stay here forever, and I'm sure that next December when I finally complete my courses here, I'll be ready to leave, but next December is a long way off, and until then I would like to spend every waking moment possible in this place.

"I can't stop and catch my breath, and look no further for happiness.  And I will not turn again, 'cause my heart has found its home." -Dido

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