
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Part One: When the Night Fell in Love with the Day

Part One of a Two-Part Series on Love and Legends.

When the Night fell in love with the Day:

It was a world of street-corners, piano keys and coffee foam.

Black and white were the sidewalks of Paris in Autumn. Blackest of blacks, like nylons on skin.  Afternoon warmth, speckled, like glittering eyeshadow on the face of the earth.

For a few moments- in the earliest of the day, and during the latest of night, they met. Dancers of kitchen tiles, and living to the fullest point of tears.

When the Night fell in love with the Day:

It was fragile.  And deep. He was titanium and she was satin. Love, they breathed, was not self-seeking.  Love is easy. There was comfort in grey skies, a world in which they could both almost meet.

The left puzzle piece absorbs the right puzzle piece- the bookshelves and the ironing boards cohabit with beauty and  indie rock. "Flash. Bam. Alakazam. Wonderful You Came By."

Stand on your firmly planted feet.  If I call you darling- will you be my fairytale? Will you make a wish of me? Pray without ceasing, Night, for your Day is almost at hand.  Twilight and Dawn shine like twinkling lights, they are merry and pregnant with hope for your future- down below on Earth's old crust, a Woman wears polka dots in the freshly falling snow.

A Man catches one snowflake on his tongue, and smiles. Woman's heart trembles with feeling.

Fitzgerald titters, "You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known." And you, Night- you envelop these words for they capture the way you love Day, with all-encompassing fervor.

Will the waiting ever cease? Down on Earth, you watch as pincushions are prodded, and notebooks are filled completely.  Why are there so many words? Words on paper.  Words on tape.  Words on hearts.  So many words and yet you look at Day, Night- and all your words are gone.

Life as you have always known it- for eternity and beyond- is gone.

Suddenly, there are street-corners again.  Piano keys, and coffee foam.

And in front of you are eyes of green- sea green, which remind you of all that you fear, and all you deeply, deeply love, and you are no longer Night.

You are Man.

She is no longer Day.

She is Here.   It all begins with her.

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