
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I Believe

I believe in candlelit baths. I believe in treating people with utmost respect and with the least amount of judgement possible. I believe in Celine Dion. I believe in clarity. I believe in difference of opinions, but I also believe that they shouldn't be discussed in voices raised over a loud whisper. I believe in love.

I believe in movies with dark humor. I believe in star-shaped paper lanterns from IKEA. I believe in every single Beatles' record ever created. I believe in the power of validation. I believe in acknowledging my own faults, and accepting them. I believe in doing everything you can to work on those faults. I do not believe in people's unwillingness to consider themselves at fault for anything. I believe in contemplation and self-reflection. I believe in apologizing when necessary, and sometimes even when you feel it isn't necessary.

I believe in praying- on your knees, with your hands crossed over your heart, with your arms raised high, with your eyes closed or open. I believe in traveling and learning something new every day. I believe in affirmation. I believe in the power of a beautiful black dress. I believe in going out to dinner with friends, and I believe in the sanctity of books. I believe in peace, and I believe in never giving up hope that it can be achieved.

I believe in JD Salinger, because every word I've read from his novels or short stories has spoken to me unlike the words of any other author. I believe in truth, and I believe absolutely everyone deserves to hear the truth even if means fessing up to your worst sins. I do not believe in lying. I believe in the freedom of speech, as long as you say what you feel intelligently and respectfully. I do not believe in yelling. I one-hundred percent do not believe in violence. I believe you always have the power to walk away.

I believe in Whitney Houston. I believe in dancing around your room after midnight to "Are You Gonna Be My Girl?" by JET. I believe in emulating Audrey Hepburn and honoring Marilyn Monroe. I believe in doing everything possible to proserve, respect, conserve and protect our environment and the world God has so graciously blessed us with.

I believe in crying while watching Animal Planet. I believe in blogging. I believe in quilts. I believe in acting, writing, analyzing and cooking. I believe music alone is a perfectly good reason for to live. I believe in telling people you love them. I believe in dreams. I believe in chapstick and hand lotion and shaving cream.

I believe in Christmas trees. I believe in Neverland and Peter Pan. I really do.
I believe that fairytales are real, and I believe miracles happen all the time. I have faith in humanity. I believe everything happens for a reason, and that destiny is real. I believe in some superstitions for the sake of tradition.
I believe in loudly singing the songs from Fiddler on the Roof with your best friend in the car. I believe in weekly Family nights.

I believe in giving your best. I also believe in making mistakes. I do not believe in making the same mistake twice. I believe in taking long walks. I believe in vanilla soy lattes from Starbucks. I believe in Target and Old Navy and Gap. I believe in live music. I believe knowing when to say enough is enough.
I believe in my shallow appreciation for cute, blonde surfers with VW buses.
I believe in harmless fun. I do not believe in drugs. I believe in alcohol, but nothing in excess.

I believe in taking care of people.
I believe in God.
I believe in clean, fresh sheets and I believe in photographs.

I believe in hearing stories. I believe that books should not be banned. I believe that people alone are responsible for their actions, although some things can influence them. I believe in voicing what you believe in, and I believe in the fact that you may not agree with me on any of these things.
I believe that I'm okay with that.
I believe that you should be too.

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