
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Monday, January 9, 2012

The Banjo Girl

Well, lovers.  It's finally happened.  I'm officially a beach-town resident.

I had wanted to do a pre-school post the night before I left, to sort of sum up all my thoughts and feelings and apprehensions about the upcoming months and what they might hold for me,  but time got away from me.  I was tired, exhausted more like,  I was emotional, and I needed a best friend skype date more than I needed to update a blog that hardly anyone reads anyways.

So, without giving myself time to process,  I closed my eyes, held my nose and just jumped right in.  Geronimooooooooo.  

Yesterday seems almost like a blur.    But then again,  I can remember everything about it in a very vivid manner.  I just have to say that I was not in any way expecting the overwhelming welcome that was given to me when I got here.

Everyone I've met has been lovely, and warm, and welcoming, and inviting, and involved.

I  have two very cute and bubbly roommates, both of whom are very, very outgoing and social.  I think it'll be good for me to be around them.  I've turned into a quiet little recluse over the past year and a half, and  I think God's trying to tell me something.  ;)

I've met what seems like hundreds of smiling, lovely, funny people already, and had my first two classes this morning, which I enjoyed and would have enjoyed much, much more if I had been 100% awake and coherent.  I was not.  Hence the two hour nap I took this afternoon.

My parents took me to lunch today, and then afterwards they packed themselves into my Volvo and drove away.  I was so tired, I didn't even have time to process them leaving, really.  I just tumbled up the stairs and climbed up into my top bunk and passed out.  After replacing my jeans with sweatpants, of course.

I've only had one of the meals here, so far, and have been thus unimpressed with the food quality, but I must remember that I am the worst sort of food snob, and should be thankful it's better than your average camp/cafeteria style food.  At least there was a freshly bagged salad with storebought french dressing for me to indulge in.  If you didn't catch the heavy sarcasm in that last sentence,  I'm losing my touch as a writer.

At least I haven't lost my sense of humor.  Although this infernally cold dorm might put a damper on my spirits.  I have to be wearing my wool socks, a fleece, and be under three layers of down comforters to be warm.

Still, nitpicking aside,  I really do feel that I'm going to enjoy my time here.  How could I possibly complain when the ocean lays at my front door, beautiful mountains decorate my backyard, and the people are truly friendly?
Truth be told, I can't complain.  So I won't.

Also, word travels faster than the speed of sound around here, as several people have already come up to me and said, "Oh, you're the banjo girl!" To which I just smile and reply,  "Yes.  Yes I am."

I think I'm going to like it here.

Hugs, cuddles and lots of chocolate chips lovers,



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