
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Morning

It's 10:27 on Saturday morning and I'm still lying lazily in my warm bunkbed.

My stomach is grumbling, making the disapproving sounds of an old sea captain, and I know that the moments I have left lying in this world of comfort are severely numbered.

We had a windstorm to rival many windstorms here during the night, I woke up several times and thought either the roof was going to fly off, or the glass was going to shatter in the windows, or that in some apocalyptic, dream-induced mindset, the rain had turned to diamonds and was pelting the sides of the building like arrows chinking into plates of armor.

It seems to be intensely quiet outside right now.  So quiet that as soon as I figure out what to do for breakfast, I think a walk on the beach just might be in order.

Speaking of breakfast, I'm quite conflicted.

The Frugal Royale in me is begging me not to go anywhere, or buy anything for breakfast.

The Thriving Artist in me is pushing me to take a few steps into the world and let the road sway me as it will.  I am heavily tempted to return to Lazy Susan's Cafe for breakfast, but fear that would be heavily unwise for my pocketbook, and therefore am deeply considering either a run to Bella's for coffee and a muffin, or maybe to the bakery.  I know the bakery would be cheaper.

It's also closer to the beach.   I could walk with a cup of drip coffee and a maple bar in my hands and watch the waves beating the earth into quiet submission.

Mayhap I'll bring a book along with me.  And a banana.

It's moments like these when I wish I had a kitchen and a dog.

Happy Saturday, lovers.

May you all find inspiration and beauty in the most unexpected and quietest of places today.


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