
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Detonators

The coffee shop I'm sitting in closes in 9 minutes.  I look around and I don't want to be one of those people, you know the ones, but honestly this place is packed and there's no way the employees are getting out of here in 15 minutes anyways and for the most part, I just feel like being a little bit defiant right now.  A little bit inconsiderate.  I kind of just feel awful.

My throat is starting to ache and my head feels unfortunately fuzzy.  I'm working on re-writing my resume, now that I actually have legitimate work experience to sell, because I have spent too much money the past month on coffee and groceries and I am painfully aware that if I want to maintain my emergency savings fund, I need to get a J-O-B.

I do actually want to get to Ireland mildly soon, people.  I'm sure you know this by now, but just in case you didn't, my grand plans of Ireland Christmas 2012 just aren't going to happen.

I've only been planning on those since summer of 2010.  Oh well.  Life gets in the way sometimes.

5 minutes.

I haven't slept much the past week.  Or maybe my new schedule is just finally catching up to me.

Or maybe I'm just mildly homesick.

I used the word mildly twice in the past 100 words.  That's a big no no.

I fail at writing.

I fail at cooking.  I fail at writing.  I fail at keeping up with yoga.  I fail at all the things I really want to do in life and I am wishing right now I could be one of those people who get genuinely excited about paper-pushing.    Because then I could at least know that I had a job for the rest of my life that could support me and doesn't take any real talent.

Because talent equals failure 99% of the time.

You're also not supposed to start sentences with 'because.'

Grammar Nazi.  Grammar Nazi.  Grammar Nazi.

Heil, General Punctuation.

I salute you and your semi-colon swastikas.

That is a horrendous, ugly metaphor and I sort of hate myself for it a little bit right now.  Who do I think I am?

Sylvia Plath?

Zero minutes.

I can't believe this.  I'm looking around and I'm actually finding myself upset at the rudeness of all of these people who are just sitting over their empty milkshake cups, discussing, waving, coughing and masticating and drooling and blinking stupidly.  Delaying the employee's chance to clean and sweep and put away and go home.

Yet I also am one of these rude people.  I masticate and I cough and I drool and I wheeze and I droop.

Negative one minute.

Nyquil.  Tonight requires much nyquil.

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