
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

1:28 AM

Lately, I seem to have been developing Insomnia.
I don't exactly understand where it came from, or what is happening in the dark recesses of my mind to spur on this extreme change in my sleeping pattern, but I'm rolling with it. For now.

I'm hoping that by getting the chance to write out all my sleep-deprived thoughts, I'll slowly work my way out of this new development and back into the old familiarity of falling asleep by eleven and waking up at seven.

I can't tell whether that's what made me create a blog, or the fact that I just watched Julie and Julia earlier today and can't get the glamorous idea of sharing my incessant thoughts with the entire world out of my head... or maybe I've secretly always wanted to do this, but have never had the gumption to just get out and do it.
Whatever the truth may be, here I am.
Listless, hazy, heavy-eyed and contemplative.
Trying to see the world through those infamous rose-colored glasses.

So.... this is it.
Welcome to my brain.
I can't promise you anything of any real worth coming out of it, but sometimes I do have my moments of profound clarity. Sometimes. :)

This might be a rather boring first entry, but, as it is, I am not apologizing for something that you have the choice whether to read or not.
However, to make up for the lack of intrigue, I supply this poem I've just come across in one of my favorite poetry books.

I am an Idea
Conceived in the mind of the Universe
And interpreted in the minds
Of the individuals I meet

Within myself I am constant
Yet, I am as everchanging
As the people who interpret me

I can control my actions
But I cannot control their thoughts
Therefore, I must do what I think right
And let others-
Think what they will
-Javan from his book, "Footprints in the Mind"

Rather insightful, don't you think?
I just fell completely in love with the first phrase, "I am an idea."
Its one of those ridiculously romantic phrases that captures your heart and makes you want to change the world...
Or, at least, try to make something about your life extroardinary.

With these rambled thoughts, I leave you.
My first blog entry.
The start of something new.
The possibilities are endless.

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