
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I admit it.

Recently, I have become very, very addicted to "The Secret Life of the American Teenager".
Shameful, isn't it? I can't help it! ABC Family has always drawn me in with its overdramatized tv shows.... one of my guilty pleasures, definitely.
I've been rewatching all the episodes on Hulu. I'm on episode 22 of the first season... and I'm so completely hooked. It feels good to get this out, though.
Hopefully you guys will still love me, and not shun me for the rest of my pathetic life. :)

Anyways... it's 12:42 AM and as much as I love the new show, I've been watching it for a few hours already and I don't want to keep watching it right now.
The power went out about twenty minutes ago.
That was intense.
Luckily, I had already turned off the computer, so it wasn't like I was in the middle of a really important scene....Phew, that was close.
I'm listening to the Black Eyed Peas.
Not really sure why. I haven't listened to them in forever.... and mostly they annoy me.
Like right now. The song Pump It is really grating on my ears.
Ah, there we go. Everclear. Short Blonde Hair. Welcome back to the 90s- Portland, Oregon style.
Do you ever wonder about how popular local bands get?
Like...the other day.. I was listening to an Everclear song, and randomly, I thought, "I wonder if anybody in Australia has ever heard of Everclear... I wonder if anybody in Australia has ever heard of Portland."
It's interesting, isn't it, how the complete center of our social world is unknown in other parts of the world.
Makes you feel a lot smaller, and humbler, doesn't it?
That's how it makes me feel.
"Oh, I'm an Oregonian, we're so awesome...blah blah blah."
When, really, somebody on the other side of the world would say, "Hm, that's nice. I've never heard of Oregon before. Must be really unimportant."
...That's when the lights would flash, and you'd come to a screeching halt, and there'd be a fat lady, singing in a loud operatic voice, "REALITY CHECK!!!COME BACK DOWN TO EARTH!!!"
That really is the way my mind works.

Speaking of Opera, Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries just came on my iPod.
I feel slightly on edge....but you know, I don't know why this is even on one of my opera cds. It's more like...Opera Without Words. Or, just classical.

So I'm realizing that I blog a lot about music. I really am trying to not make every blog post sound the same.... but I've just got a lot to say about music.
Music is awesome! Why shouldn't we be talking MORE about music?
Music is one of those rare gifts that can bring anybody together.
You may hate someone with a fiery passion, but if there's a song on the radio you both love, all emnity is forgotten for those fleeting four minutes as the music washes over you.
It's beautiful.

And you know what else is a rare gift that can bring anybody together?
Ask anybody you know- if tea is around, the atmosphere is automatically calm and introspectful.
Why is that? Does it have something to do with those endorphin things? Is that even biologically sound?...........Probably not.
Music and tea.... and John Cusack movies.
What else do you need for a day of doing nothing and loving every minute of it? Oh. That's right. You also need a close friend, a boxset of all ten seasons of Friends, and a huge bowl of Tapioca pudding...and pancakes.
Pancakes are the ultimate breakfast of happiness.
Nothing bad happens over pancakes..... and pancakes are, probably, the greatest late-night snack ever invented. When I move out (so as not to disturb anyone), and live by myself, I will go into my kitchen late at night and make myself pancakes....and I'll probably serve it with a glass of red wine.
Yeah, that sounds like me. :)

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