
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Colazione Da Tiffany

I'm listening to the original version of Moon River.
You know, the one that Audrey Hepburn sings in "Breakfast at Tiffany's"
Henry Mancini wrote this song specifically for the movie, and specifically for Audrey's vocal range....(have some random trivia knowledge. ;P )
Audrey has a lovely voice.

I have a large movie poster from Breakfast at Tiffany's in my bedroom. Its in Italian, "Colazione da Tiffany". I've been to Italy, and I've seen almost all of Audrey's most brilliant movies.
Sabrina, Funny Face, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Roman Holiday, are just a few of my favorites.
I think Breakfast at Tiffany's is my favorite though... it holds a very special place in my heart.
Ever since I was a young, young girl, I've loved the song Moon River.
I have memories of sitting on the carpet of the house I grew up in, looking up at the ceiling, listening to Moon River playing on my parents cd shuffler and thinking how someday I wanted to sail away on my own Moon River. The poetry of the song and the vivid scenery created a fantastic imagination in my young mind....
And so, when I got older and saw Breakfast at Tiffany's for the first time, you can imagine my delighted surprise when the scene unfolded in front of me where Holly Golightly is sitting out on her fire escape, with a beautiful old guitar, singing Moon River to while her sadness away.
I knew then, that this was going to be one of my favorite movies.

I don't just love Breakfast at Tiffany's for the song, however.
Its the charm and the sophistication, the warm-heartedness and the proud demeanor, the mix of old Hollywood tinged with new and exciting technicolor wonder, the comedy, the tragedy and the familiarity that drew me in and captured my heart forever.

The world of Breakfast at Tiffany's is impossible to not fall in love with.... for its the world that everyone desires. The imagination, the inspiration, the love and the emotion it creates.
Haven't you ever wanted, on a particularly bad day, to dress up in your finest pearls and hop in a cab to Tiffany's, with a coffee and a danish?
Haven't you ever suffered from the mean reds? Or wanted, on a passing whim, to steal a mask from a ten cent store? How about hop on a train once a week to visit a dear friend in Sing Sing.... or stick your telephone in an old suitcase to muffle the noise, and block out the world?

This story is about the chance to start over.... to leave behind all thats ever caused you pain.
To journey somewhere new, to find yourself, and to fall in love.
Off to see the world, for there's such a lot of world to see.
..... I guess they really did write the song for this movie, didn't they?
I've always identified with Holly Golightly- "A freespirit, a wild thing..."
But always terrified that someone is going to stick me in a cage.
But on the journey that is life, you realize that the only person who can stick you in a cage is yourself.
Life is always what you make of it..... So make the best of it that you can.
And if you're having a bad day, pop in Breakfast at Tiffany's... Whether in Italy, or America, the movie inspires the same passion and thirst for life at its fullest.

Moon river
wider than a mile
I'm crossing you in style, someday
oh dreammaker, you heartbreaker
wherever you're going, I'm going your way
two drifters
off to see the world
there's such a lot of world to see
we're after the same rainbow's end
waitin' round the bend
my huckleberry friend
moon river and me.......

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