
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Writer's Block


I've just spent the last hour and a half writing a very detailed beginning to a very interesting story- the plot of which I don't even fully comprehend yet. Beginning a story is always the hardest part for me, ergo it always takes me the longest time. Once I get past the beginning, its smooth sailing- but oftentimes I never fully get past the beginning because by the time I get the beginning half-finished, I'm completely burnt out and never pick the manuscript back up again.... Which is where I am now. I've spent far too much time on it for it to only be half a page long, but, there's not much I can do about how slow of a writer I am, is there?....

It's just getting interesting too. I'm just about to discover how certain key elements coincide to form the whole plotline. I can't give up now.

But... I've spent so much time on wording the few sentences I do have so perfectly, that I'm tired and at a standstill.

I don't want to give this one up, however.

The plotline, that which I do know of it, is far too intriguing to let go of. It needs to be written, and in turn, read.

It's something I know I want to write, because its the kind of stuff that makes up the songs I love to listen to, the movies which invoke the most emotion in me, the mindless sort of tragedy which captures my attention and twists my heart into an eternal love affair with the myriad of complications created by instability, long-suffering and loss.

I wish I could share the scheme of the plot with you..

But I don't want to risk it being stolen, or being anticipated for when its not ready, and not to mention the fact that I don't even know enough of it to talk about it yet...

So here I am, blogging about my writer's block, frustrated that I've just written a genious fifteen-or-so sentences and can't seem to squeeze anything else out of my warped mind,

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