
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Daily News

"If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth."

That's right. I bought my own copy of Catcher in the Rye today! $3.50 at my favorite used bookstore. I could have bought a new copy for seven dollars, but I didn't like the illustrations on the front cover. Something about the picture was too happy; I'm very peculiar about the illustrations on book covers. If I don't feel that they match with my perception of the book, I'll buy a different edition. So I went for the used copy, which, coincidentally, was the same version I rented from the library the first time I read it. I felt a connection with it, so I had to buy that one. Buying a cheaper version also left more room to indulge in something that caught my eye as soon as I walked in the crowded shop. *ahem* "The Golden Age of Russian Literature"; for $9.50. That's right! I got a beautiful, hard-back overview of all the most prominent Russian writers and their works for ten bucks (with pictures, too!!!!). I'm very excited about this treasure...I read the inside flap, and as soon as I read the words, "this book is an indispensable reference for any library", I had to buy it. I love the word indispensable..... Have I mentioned my obsession with words and the affect they have on my buying habits? Hmm, I suppose that's another story entirely.
Anyways, all this to say that I've bought more books that won't fit on my bookshelf and I'm too deliriously happy to care.
*on another note, I got another phone call from the library. Great Expectations is waiting for me!.... I had to renew five of my books. I'm making a mental note to never check out more than three books from the library at a time. ;)


The last day of school was very bittersweet for me. I've been going to the same school ever since sixth grade, and I've met a lot of wonderful friends there. There was a lot of emotional stuff going on for me that day. I was saying goodbye not only to fellow graduates, but to underclassmen that I had come to know and cherish, and realizing that I won't see them everyday anymore was really hard. Not only was I saying goodbye to those that will be there if I ever return to visit, but a lot of friends that should be there next year aren't coming back. So when I do visit, I won't see everyone. And I was also saying goodbye to people that even though I wasn't close with, I've seen their faces almost everyday for the past six years. It was the end of an era for the school- an entire class of kids wasn't going to be there anymore. Knowing that upon return, most familiarity won't accompany me, was really sad. I still get a little bit sad when I think about it. I spent the night at a friend's house after school was over, and we watched The Breakfast Club. I'm not sure if that helped heal the sorrow or antagonize the wound. It certainly was entertaining, though. :) It is definitely one of the most quotable movies ever (I.e, "does Barry Manilow know you raid his closet?" and my personal favorite, "What if your dope was on fire?- "Impossible sir, it's in Johnson's underwear").
I didn't have much time to dwell on the end of an era, however, as a dear out-of-town friend was at my house for the weekend. We went to the graduation of several childhood friends, partied hard at the dance afterwards, and spent lots of time laughing, talking and taking the time to watch Footloose because she had never seen it. It was a good weekend, and even though I miss everyone, it has been really nice not having to go to classes at all this week. :)

Oh! before I forget! I must inform you that I DID get the callback and I got the job at the pizzeria. I'm really excited! Graduating and getting a job. Wow. Go me.
I also have found my favorite lyric for the week...it's actually more of a verse, but here goes.
"Everytime we get up are we destined to fall? and I'm asking myself is it worth this at all? Every corner we turn we just run into walls, because loving you feels like a kick in the balls." (Only the Strong Survive-McFly)
can't tell you why, but I love this line. Maybe because it's pretty ballsy. No pun intended. ;)

I'm getting back on the wagon, starting this week as well.
The Wagon consists of grilled chicken, broccoli, brown rice, salad, protein shakes, eggs, only high fiber and multigrain bread, soy products, protein bars and fresh fruit. And it omits caffeine, sodas, most juices, most carbohydrates, most fatty meats and all sweets.
It also entails running three times a week, yoga every night, pilates every other day and bikerides as often as possible, mixed in with various ab workouts and long walks.
The Wagon is usually a very happy place for me. I'm excited to get back on it, and I hate getting off of it, but usually after the holidays every single Winter I get bogged down with school and seasonal blues and by the time spring rolls around I never look quite the same as I did the summer before.
So here I come. I'm working at the zoo again this summer, and trying to slim down for a friend's wedding, and I'd love a new swimsuit.

My life's really looking pretty great right now.
Nine days left til graduation. Nine days until I become a college freshman!
Ta ta for now.

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