
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm messy and I'm loud and I love to spin

I have a couple things I want to share with you guys.

I wrote this about a month ago.


I'm messy and I'm loud. My bedroom carpet is littered with guitar picks.
I spill things and I curse frequently.
I cook obsessively and I idolize Julia Child. It's not healthy.
Neither is her cooking.
I'm disorganized and dysfunctional. The light in my ceiling has been out for months.
I'm insane because I wish I was insane.
Really, I'm so sane that sometimes it drives me crazy.
I resent you because you don't read Russian Literature.
I resent myself because I don't read Russian Literature, either.
I'm stubborn and I'm proud. I can hold a grudge for way too long.
I have more prejudices than I'd like to admit....
And of course, I can never be wrong.
Even though I always am.
I'm unreasonable and I'm demanding. I have double standards.
I'm impatient and annoying. Its bad when you annoy yourself.
I believe in love.
But I also know that the best part of believe is the 'lie'.
There's things I've done that make me sick.
And there's things I've done that I'm too proud of.
I read dark poetry and I watch tragic movies.
I laugh at everything.
I'm not unstable, even though sometimes I wish I was.
Is that odd? Don't answer that.
I have faith in God- though I don't deserve His grace.
I walk a fine line between ungraceful and disgraceful.
Its one of my many talents.
I get upset easily and its not pleasant when I'm mad.
I like to throw things.
I say that I'm environmentally aware, but really I'm a huge waster.
I waste copious amounts of water and energy on taking baths and drying my hair before bed.
I'm passionate and I'm unrealistic.
I'm aware of my surroundings but I'm one of the most unobservant people you'll ever meet.
I'm unprofessional and I get myself into a lot of sticky situations.
I'm an obsessive worrier and sometimes I wish I was a compulsive liar.
I don't have the guts to lie.
I'm as stubborn as a German, hot-tempered as an Irishman, and as snooty as a Frenchman.
I'm terrified of large crowds, and I fear the inevitable mundane.
I'm rarely content and hard to please.
I will always choose my family over you.
I don't trust easy and I don't like new people.
I'm high-strung, and I love the color green.
I'm contemplative and I'm nostalgic.
I believe in laughing, loving, and living to the fullest.
And even though I'm crazy, I'm just me.
It's kind of fun being this dysfunctional.

----- and I wrote this a few weeks ago for my sister.
When I was little, my sister and I used to have spinning contests all the time; anytime at all, no matter where we were, we'd just spread our arms and start spinning-round and round and round until we were so dizzy we couldn't see straight. The trick is to never, ever look at the ground; closing your eyes helps too, but its sort of dangerous. :)
Anyways, when my sister went away to college, I missed her a lot and our spinning contests ceased to exist as she was no longer there to spin with me. One year, at Family Camp, I was down by the 'adult campfire' (which was only different from the 'kids campfire' in that there were no songs about smushing baby bumble bees and the smell of cigars replaced the smell of roasted marshmallows) and my sister, returning from college for the summer, came running over the sand-dunes. I hadn't seen her in several months, and the first thing she did was grab my hand and, breaking into a full run, pulled me down towards the water's edge. When she let go, she yelled, "Let's spin!" and we were off, like two colorful tops spinning around and around in the wet sand. It's one of my most favorite memories from growing up. I was thinking about it a few weeks ago, and then I wrote this song.

Words are falling like leaves from a tree
thoughts are spinning like you and me/
don't stop spinning-
don't look down-
keep on spinning round/

waves may tremble
winds may roar/
boats may sink
to the bottom of the ocean floor/
but don't stop spinning-
don't look down-
keep on spinning round/

I remember countless times
spinning in the sand
with you by my side/

so don't stop spinning
don't look down-
keep on spinning round/

and I'll be there
spinning beside you/
lost in the rush
and the smell of the air/
together we'll spin
by the oceanside/
with you by my side
with you by my side/

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