
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Life IS Actually Average

  1. last beverage? water
  2. last phone call? uhhhhhhh Natalie...
  3. last txt message? pretty sure it was Nat.. Nope. It was Adam.
  4. last song you listened to? wellll to be completely honest.... I was just listening to the Ting Tings. Yes... you can hate me, throw fruit at me, be ashamed of me, never talk to me again... as long as you keep reading my blog I really don't care.
  5. last time you cried? yesterday. I think. I honestly don't remember yesterday. I might have cried a little bit when I attempted to do the splits the other day. I ALMOST DID THEM!


  1. Dated someone twice? nooooope.
  2. been cheated on? no.
  3. kissed someone and regretted it? haha... wouldn't that be unfortunate? I can see regretting the timing, or the circumstance, or even the person... but to ever regret the actual kiss would be so sad...
  4. lost someone special? yes
  5. been depressed? yes. I wrote about it and I felt better.
  6. been drunk and threw up? i've never thrown up because I was drunk...


  1. Green
  2. Orange
  3. Purple


  1. made a new friend? sure.
  2. fallen out of love? yeah. I became jaded on a lot of people and things this year.
  3. Laughed until you cried? this is a regular occurance in my life. I am incredibly lucky that way!
  4. Met someone who changed you? yes. :)
  5. Found out who your true friends are? you have no idea.
  6. Found out someone was talking about you? hahahah!.... yeah. Found out they were talking about me a LOT...;)
  7. kissed anyone on your friend's list? noooo.
  8. How many people on your friend's list do you know personally?.... that is a really good question. Not all of them.
  9. How many kids do you want to have? the right amount. Somewhere between "awww" and "AAARGH!!!!"
  10. Do you have pets? Nooo! I am desperately in want of a doggish companion... :(
  11. Do you want to change your name? "That's not mah name! That's not mah name!"... I told you. I TOLD you.
  12. What did you do for your last birthday? I went downtown with mum and Nat to Powell's and then met dad for dinner. That Pumpkin Cheesecake was to die for and I'm still dreaming about it.
  13. What time did you wake up today? 8:30 ish...
  14. What were you doing at midnight last night? I was sleeping. I wish I was sleeping now.
  15. name something you CANNOT wait for? I CANNOT wait to hear good music on the radio.
  16. what are you listening to right now? "Men Are All the Same" - The Used. The title caught my eye. It's.... well, it's The Used, so it's brilliant. But I'm not in the mood for something so intense and emotional. AHHH! ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS- MARIAH CAREY JUST CAME ON! WHOOOOO! :D
  17. Websites? Blogspot. Facebook. Netflix.
  18. eye color? hazel
  19. relationship status? I hate this term. It makes me feel cold, unreal, distant and objectified. I AM A PERSON. NOT A STATUS.
  20. favorite book? right now? One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish by Dr. Seuss. Because I am JUST that childish at 12:16 in the morning.
  21. zodiac sign? sagittarius. I don't know which one that is. I want to say it's a goat. But I'm pretty sure capricorn is a goat. Maybe I'm the whale. I don't know if there is a whale, but that's what I feel like right now, so I'm just going to go with that. (read: self-pitying slur).
  22. Do you have a crush on someone? yes. He's eight. He's got beautiful brown eyes and his name is Benjamin Johnson. He is my Spider-Man, I am his Hannah Montanna. It has been that way since he was three years old. :)
  23. Primary school? homeschooooooooled. And the Hayes' house. :P
  24. Middle school? a whole lotta BS.
  25. colleges? none at the moment. I'm being one of those delinquent-types and taking a year off.
  26. hair color? brown
  27. Long or short?.... I'm sorry... There is no noun here?
  28. height? not tall. 5'3".... maybe.
  29. found a new pet peeve? yes. People come into work all the time, and when I tell them there's going to be a wait, they look at me like I'm the filth of the earth and then proceed to wave their ugly necks around in the air, seeking out some distant table in the back as if I have completely just lied to them and am selfishly hoarding tables so that narcissistic and self-satisfying people like themselves (Yes, that was you, creepy cannoli-obsessed man with douche bag hair) have to wait an unnecessary amount of time and starve nearly half-to-death before getting a table and a meal. I feel like they also think I'm going to spit in their pizza or something. Which is ridiculous. I wouldn't waste the saliva.
  30. what do you like about yourself? my ability to rant in well-scripted sentences.
  31. piercings? my ears.
  32. tattoos? I have many ideas...
  33. righty or lefty? can you say ambidextrous?.... i am fairly certain I misspelled that.


  1. first surgery? emergency appendectomy.
  2. first piercing? mah ears.
  3. first best friend? Rosie. She's the teddy bear my grandma gave to me when I was born and she was the defender of innocence and defeater of nightmares of my childhood days.
  4. first sport you joined? I joined a soccer league once....
  5. first vacation? uhhh first time I ever flew on a plane was to Dallas, TX for a friend's wedding. First bona fide vacation was Disneyland. :D


  1. sleeping? Are you mentally retarded?
  2. On the phone? NO.
  3. eating? I wish.
  4. drinking? sipping on my water that is about to vanish entirely...
  5. I'm about to? Throw my iPod against the wall for the absolute crap it insists on playing.
  6. listening to? Sexy Love - Ne Yo
  7. waiting for? dream state.


  1. kids? yeah.... One named Jude, one named Atticus and one named Everett.
  2. marriage? Nope. I plan to birth all three of my sons out of wedlock.
  3. career? Won't need one. I'll be getting child support from my baby daddies and welfare from the government. who needs a job these days? I'll be living off foodstamps. My sons will be forced to commit crimes and join gangs and I will outlive all of them, except the one who is in prison for 25 to life...... I'm not sure how this turned into a political rant, but it's late so don't bother me about it.


  1. lips or eyes? Eyes.. (Cheesy line alert!!!:) "they are the windows to the soul, after all"..... (...Gag).
  2. hugs or kisses? hugs. Altho, I can think of several people I would like to get a kiss from. Is it weird that Jon Bon Jovi is one of them????? O.o
  3. shorter or taller? definitely taller. :)
  4. older or younger? definitely older.
  5. romantic or spontaneous? surprise me. Wait....
  6. nice boobs or a nice bum? Gotta say, I'm not a boob person, so I'm going to go for the nice bum. Always a plus.
  7. sensitive or loud? Who actually desires to be around someone loud? Like... there's lots of lovable people who happen to be loud, but they're not lovable BECAUSE they're loud. Who is into that? "Oh, washboard abs and a caring heart? Ppppsh!!! Who needs that? I want someone louder than a diesel-y garbage truck through an open window on a saturday morning! Ohhh Yeahhhhh.." Like seriously? Ew.
  8. hook-up or relationship? relationship.
  9. trouble-maker or hesitant? ..........well.... I'm hesitant enough. so, let's go with someone who likes to have fun. regardless of the consequences. :D


  1. kissed a stranger? I'm not going to lie: I have always wanted to do this. It is on my bucket list. I will probably never work up the guts to do it.
  2. drank hard liquor? yes
  3. lost glasses/contacts? I lose my glasses frequently.... I'm afraid one day they're going to get up and walk away because they don't feel loved.....
  4. danced in the rain? yes.
  5. broken somebody's heart? I don't know... I hope not.
  6. had your own heart broken? Yes.... The incident that happened the other day involving the spilled cup of cocoa was particularly heartbreaking.
  7. won a bet? Yes. :)
  8. turned someone down?Yes
  9. cried when someone died? I'm not heartless. I bawled for days after MJ died.
  10. fallen for a friend? This is woman's biggest flaw.


  1. yourself? Celine Dion has taught me no other way than this.
  2. miracles? "YOU SEXY THING!!!".... Please tell me everybody understands this song reference?
  3. love at first sight? No. Well. I don't know. Not really.
  4. heaven? Yes.
  5. santa clause? Every legend is born from some truth......:)
  6. kiss on a first date? awww helllll nah! Shawty don't put out fah nobody!... Horrible and pathetic attempt at having a shred of culture: check.
  7. angels? Yes.


  1. done something terribly embarrassing? My life is embarrassing.
  2. had more than one girlfriend/boyfriend at a time? no.
  3. did you sing today? Yes. very out of tune, too.
  4. ever cheated on somebody? Nope.
  5. if you could go back in time how far would you go? Pretty much as far back as the British Invasion. So.... 1961? .....
  6. do you like bananas? Not as much as I like this QUESTION ABOUT BANANAS!
  7. are you afraid of falling in love? Isn't everybody a little bit afraid of falling in love? Unless it was to be with Sam Worthington. Then I wouldn't be afraid. Oh no. Not at all.
  8. posting this as "100 truths"? No. That is dumb. I might not have a life, but I'm not dumb.

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