
Welcome to a world of poetry and soliloquoy-

A world of dogmatic digressions and serious exhortations on frivolity and grandeur.

My brain is like a circus. These are chronicles of the circus-freaks and sideshows and mysterious wonders which I carry with me on a daily basis.

I am, therefore I write.

I write, therefore I arrive.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Shaking out the glitter....

I'm learning things.

Yesterday I learned that fried plantains are delicious, and people from Cuba have wonderful smiles.
I also learned that section A120 is the best place at the Rose Garden to sit for Celtic Thunder-sized events, and how it's not what you experience, but who you experience it with that makes all the genuine difference in the world.

Last night was a fairytale.
It kind of seems like a dream, really. I keep thinking today, "did all of that really happen?"
It did happen, and it was wonderful.
The concert was phenomenal! I'm so glad I was able to go, and that I was able to go with my dearest friend Natalie. Before the concert we went to dinner at Pambiche, a delicious and authentic Cuban restaurant on 28th and Glisan.
It was heavenly! I can't wait to go back and eat there again.
I had Croquetas (deep fried codfish and potato wedges served over a cilantro, carrot and red onion salad) and Pollo Frito (creole fried chicken served with garlic mojo sauce). Not to mention this incredible avocado salad in a sour orange dressing and the best durn cup of Mexican hot cocoa you could ever have......
I think I was honestly more excited about the food than the concert. It was to die for!

I've been moving really slowly all day, though. All the excitement, the clapping, the bagpipes, avocados and extreme anticipation kind of wore me out.
I feel like I overdosed on glamour, Cuban food and Irish music.
I'm having troubles shaking the pounding drums and weeping violins from my ears, and wiping the glitter from my tired eyes.

Is it weird that a song you've never heard before can remind you of a place you've never seen?
Is it weird that this place you've never seen feels more like home than the place you've grown up in?
That a culture and a language and a landscape all completely foreign to your ears and eyes can seem so familiar to your heart?

Hmmm..... These are the kind of thoughts rattling around in my head this afternoon.

Today, I'm learning the importance of a patient heart and a treasured dream.
I also learned that there are ways to make vanilla misos, which are the closest things to vanilla soy lattes that you can get without using an espresso maker.
Having an ex-Starbucks barista for a sister has its perks. :)
I'm also learning to never underestimate the power of a good Disney movie, like The Jungle Book.

And so, with these important life lessons learned, and now shared, I leave you.

I went with the boots last night.
Definitely the wisest choice.
They looked fab and were super comfortable.

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